Goodbye, 2020!

sunset image by yours truly

sunset image by yours truly

Reflecting on the year that has been

The year 2020 has been one for the books! A lot of us started it bright-eyed, with big plans, hopes and dreams. I remember the Kilifi New Year’s eve festival like it was yesterday, walking along colourful curated paths, teeming with eager partygoers, a mishmash of 9-5ers, creative types and edgy fashionistas. No masks in sight, no care in the world. And yet, it feels like years have passed since the end of 2019. That’s been the paradox of this pandemic year. While so much has happened within the span of 12 months, the majority of it was spent indoors, eyes glued to screens.

Most people started working from home, a novel idea before this year began, others lost their jobs and had to create new ones. We were all adapting to a new normal: zoom meetings, zoom workouts, zoom catchups with family and friends. Zoom had a great year!

On the world stage, paradigm-shifting events took place while a majority of the population watched and reacted through the little gadgets that have become a vital part of our day to day life. The Black Lives Matter movement got centre stage when news would flood our TV screens, social media sites and conversations with friends. Police brutality was playing out in our own backyards along with stories of the struggles that would be birthed by the sudden economic shutdown. Restaurants closed, and so did businesses. Others found opportunities to create solutions and made millions within months. One man’s meat is another one’s poison they say.

We all paid attention to what different countries were doing to contain the pandemic. We took notes and copy-pasted what we saw happening miles away. We compared others’ response to the Covid19 pandemic to our own. Some of us passed judgement while others were commended for their swift and successful flattening of the curve. We learnt terms like ‘flattening the curve.

By mid-March the majority of airline transport was on a standstill, ticket prices shot up as we’ve never seen before. And a lot of us got into a state of panic! Toilet paper ran out of shelves, a most peculiar choice of emergency item to stock in an ‘end-of-the-world’ scenario.

Inhale the future, exhale the past. - Anonymous

When I picture myself decades from now, a well-travelled grandma with a belt of adventure stories from my youth, I imagine that 2020 will feature among the most significant years of my lifetime. It might be the same for many people out there. If anything has brought the world to a halt, nothing in my memory compares to this year and the covid19 pandemic.

Now we're moving on to a new year, 2021, and it’s wonderful to look forward with hope and enthusiasm for what’s to come. The biggest lesson I came out of 2020 with, was to be the captain of my ship. While taking all the precautions possible to ensure a safe and pleasant journey, it’s wise to know what to do in the event of a storm. What I plan to do is keep my hands on the wheel no matter what! I hope you do too!

Adios 2020! You’ve been quite the teacher.

*published ex post facto


Out With The Old, In With The New!


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